Privacy Notice





Last edited on

Feb 19, 2023

As a provider of healthcare monitoring services, we are committed to keeping your personal data safe and under your control. This privacy notice addresses your foremost concerns with regard to the collection and use of your personal data and provides you with our contact details for any further questions or clarifications that you may have. Any reference to ‘you’ in this privacy notice refers to the user of this product.  

Who are we 

Any references to ‘we’ refers to: 

Entity name: 

My Intelligent Health Ltd 


5 Hillside Gardens 


HA3 9UW 

Phone number: 

+44 7581435325 


 Therefore, any personal data we collect from you may be accessible to our employees including healthcare professionals, members of the technical team that maintain and analyse performance of the website and other Selfily products, and other support staff that may need access to such data in order to for you to effectively use the website and other products.  

The types of data we collect and why 

a. Purpose I: Our digital products including this website ( are designed to help you monitor your long-term conditions such as diabetes, arthritis, asthma, epilepsy, high blood pressure and some mental health conditions. It is only an aid to make you self-reliant in managing your chronic condition without being a substitute for the appointments with your doctor. If you choose to use our digital products to monitor your condition, you will be required to answer specific questions pertaining to your existing health condition, without which we cannot held you monitor your health condition. Therefore, we believe you would expect us to store such personal data for us to prepare a record that helps you keep track of your health condition. 

b. Our digital products prompt questions similar to the questions that may be asked by a healthcare professional in a personal interaction with the aim of assessing a patient’s condition. Based on your answers, the algorithm developed by our healthcare professionals will recommend a course of action of you. Please remember the process involves profiling for this limited purpose of making recommendations to you. These are not decisions that you are required to accept, and as such have no effect on you. If you attempt to use our digital products for any other health condition, your personal data submitted, if any, will not be stored by us. 

c. Data: You submit to us personal data including your name, age, sex, postcode, weight, height, condition, and other specific answers related to your health condition. Such personalised information is stored for only a limited period of time. Subsequently, the information you submit is anonymised by de-linking it from your name, email address, and postcode, which are deleted. The remaining information may stored in the form of bar graphs, pie charts, and other modes of representing statistical data. 

d. Legal basis: Such personal data is collected only when you expressly submit it to us through your answers, and we rely on your consent, as well as our contract with you to help monitor your health condition to collect and store such data. The information you submit also helps us improve our prompts and suggestions to you, and to indicate with greater accuracy when you may need personal medical intervention. Therefore, we also rely on our legitimate interests, and reasons of public interest to high standards of quality and safety of health care to collect and store the data you submit. 

e. Purpose II: We aim to consistently improve your experience with our digital products, and our services require constant improvement by their very nature. We aim to keep our products safe and secure by detecting malware, and increasingly user-friendly. We may need to communicate with you (e.g. to send you reminders to update your information or collecting feedbacks etc). We may also need to comply with our legal obligations including a reasonable request from a competent authority involving any manner of processing of the information we collect. Your personal data will not be used for any automated decision-making or profiling. 

f. Data: For the website (, we may collect your email address, your IP address, the date and time of your visit to our website, browser information, browsing behaviour, geography, and other technical information. For the other Selfily mobile and web applications, we may collect all the information you provided to the application that will us fulfil the aforementioned purpose. 

g. Legal basis: We solicit your express consent through our cookie policy (please see below) attached to this privacy notice for most of the data we collect. We further rely on our legitimate interests to keep our digital products safe, perform our contract with you and enhance your experience, and comply with legal obligations, if any.  

How we store your data and keep it safe 

We prioritise security as we are conscious of the sensitive personal data you are likely to entrust us with. We deploy a number of technical and organisational measures to keep the digital products safe from malware attacks. Once the data is collected through our digital products (including website, mobile application and web applications), it is stored on the Microsoft’s Azure cloud. All our employees (and partners, if any) are under strict obligations of secrecy in accordance the existing data protection laws.  

How long do we keep your data  

Your personal data is stored only for the term of our contract with you i.e. as long as you choose to use our website to monitor your health condition. If you wish to receive a copy of your data, or for us to stop using our digital products for this purpose and to have your personal data deleted from our records, you may write to us at Beyond this period, we do not store any of the data we collect in a form that makes it possible for us to connect it with a specific individual. Such anonymised data may be retained for further statistical analysis. However, we will not be able to provide you with a copy of your data at this stage as individual-specific data is not available with us at this stage.  

Who else has access to your data? 

We do not share any of the healthcare related data you submit to us with anyone else. As explained earlier, ‘we’ includes our employees on a need-to-know basis. The remaining personal data gathered for the second purpose described above may be shared with any of our employees, or partners (if any), helping us with such purposes. However, they will be subject to obligations of secrecy prescribed under the General Data Protection Regulations and the Data Protection Act, 2018. 

 What are your rights? 

Under data protection law, you have rights, including: 

  • Right of Access - You have the right to obtain for copies of your personal data from us. 

  • Right to Rectification - You have the right to maintain accurate and complete information, and inform us of any errors in your records. 

  • Right to Erasure - You have the right to have your personal data erased from our records subject to the consequences of losing your medical record maintained with us. 

  • Right to Restriction of Processing – You have the right to restrict the processing of your personal data in certain circumstances. 

  • Right to Object to Processing – You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data in certain circumstances. 

  • Right to Data Portability – You have the right to request us for a transfer of your personal data to another organisation, or to you, in certain circumstances. 

You will not be required to pay any additional charges to exercise your rights reasonably. We aim to respond at the earliest possible. However, it may take us about thirty days’ time. 

Cookie policy 

[Insert link to cookie policy here] 

As a provider of healthcare monitoring services, we are committed to keeping your personal data safe and under your control. This privacy notice addresses your foremost concerns with regard to the collection and use of your personal data and provides you with our contact details for any further questions or clarifications that you may have. Any reference to ‘you’ in this privacy notice refers to the user of this product.  

Who are we 

Any references to ‘we’ refers to: 

Entity name: 

My Intelligent Health Ltd 


5 Hillside Gardens 


HA3 9UW 

Phone number: 

+44 7581435325 


 Therefore, any personal data we collect from you may be accessible to our employees including healthcare professionals, members of the technical team that maintain and analyse performance of the website and other Selfily products, and other support staff that may need access to such data in order to for you to effectively use the website and other products.  

The types of data we collect and why 

a. Purpose I: Our digital products including this website ( are designed to help you monitor your long-term conditions such as diabetes, arthritis, asthma, epilepsy, high blood pressure and some mental health conditions. It is only an aid to make you self-reliant in managing your chronic condition without being a substitute for the appointments with your doctor. If you choose to use our digital products to monitor your condition, you will be required to answer specific questions pertaining to your existing health condition, without which we cannot held you monitor your health condition. Therefore, we believe you would expect us to store such personal data for us to prepare a record that helps you keep track of your health condition. 

b. Our digital products prompt questions similar to the questions that may be asked by a healthcare professional in a personal interaction with the aim of assessing a patient’s condition. Based on your answers, the algorithm developed by our healthcare professionals will recommend a course of action of you. Please remember the process involves profiling for this limited purpose of making recommendations to you. These are not decisions that you are required to accept, and as such have no effect on you. If you attempt to use our digital products for any other health condition, your personal data submitted, if any, will not be stored by us. 

c. Data: You submit to us personal data including your name, age, sex, postcode, weight, height, condition, and other specific answers related to your health condition. Such personalised information is stored for only a limited period of time. Subsequently, the information you submit is anonymised by de-linking it from your name, email address, and postcode, which are deleted. The remaining information may stored in the form of bar graphs, pie charts, and other modes of representing statistical data. 

d. Legal basis: Such personal data is collected only when you expressly submit it to us through your answers, and we rely on your consent, as well as our contract with you to help monitor your health condition to collect and store such data. The information you submit also helps us improve our prompts and suggestions to you, and to indicate with greater accuracy when you may need personal medical intervention. Therefore, we also rely on our legitimate interests, and reasons of public interest to high standards of quality and safety of health care to collect and store the data you submit. 

e. Purpose II: We aim to consistently improve your experience with our digital products, and our services require constant improvement by their very nature. We aim to keep our products safe and secure by detecting malware, and increasingly user-friendly. We may need to communicate with you (e.g. to send you reminders to update your information or collecting feedbacks etc). We may also need to comply with our legal obligations including a reasonable request from a competent authority involving any manner of processing of the information we collect. Your personal data will not be used for any automated decision-making or profiling. 

f. Data: For the website (, we may collect your email address, your IP address, the date and time of your visit to our website, browser information, browsing behaviour, geography, and other technical information. For the other Selfily mobile and web applications, we may collect all the information you provided to the application that will us fulfil the aforementioned purpose. 

g. Legal basis: We solicit your express consent through our cookie policy (please see below) attached to this privacy notice for most of the data we collect. We further rely on our legitimate interests to keep our digital products safe, perform our contract with you and enhance your experience, and comply with legal obligations, if any.  

How we store your data and keep it safe 

We prioritise security as we are conscious of the sensitive personal data you are likely to entrust us with. We deploy a number of technical and organisational measures to keep the digital products safe from malware attacks. Once the data is collected through our digital products (including website, mobile application and web applications), it is stored on the Microsoft’s Azure cloud. All our employees (and partners, if any) are under strict obligations of secrecy in accordance the existing data protection laws.  

How long do we keep your data  

Your personal data is stored only for the term of our contract with you i.e. as long as you choose to use our website to monitor your health condition. If you wish to receive a copy of your data, or for us to stop using our digital products for this purpose and to have your personal data deleted from our records, you may write to us at Beyond this period, we do not store any of the data we collect in a form that makes it possible for us to connect it with a specific individual. Such anonymised data may be retained for further statistical analysis. However, we will not be able to provide you with a copy of your data at this stage as individual-specific data is not available with us at this stage.  

Who else has access to your data? 

We do not share any of the healthcare related data you submit to us with anyone else. As explained earlier, ‘we’ includes our employees on a need-to-know basis. The remaining personal data gathered for the second purpose described above may be shared with any of our employees, or partners (if any), helping us with such purposes. However, they will be subject to obligations of secrecy prescribed under the General Data Protection Regulations and the Data Protection Act, 2018. 

 What are your rights? 

Under data protection law, you have rights, including: 

  • Right of Access - You have the right to obtain for copies of your personal data from us. 

  • Right to Rectification - You have the right to maintain accurate and complete information, and inform us of any errors in your records. 

  • Right to Erasure - You have the right to have your personal data erased from our records subject to the consequences of losing your medical record maintained with us. 

  • Right to Restriction of Processing – You have the right to restrict the processing of your personal data in certain circumstances. 

  • Right to Object to Processing – You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data in certain circumstances. 

  • Right to Data Portability – You have the right to request us for a transfer of your personal data to another organisation, or to you, in certain circumstances. 

You will not be required to pay any additional charges to exercise your rights reasonably. We aim to respond at the earliest possible. However, it may take us about thirty days’ time. 

Cookie policy 

[Insert link to cookie policy here] 

Privacy Notice




Last edited on

Feb 19, 2023

As a provider of healthcare monitoring services, we are committed to keeping your personal data safe and under your control. This privacy notice addresses your foremost concerns with regard to the collection and use of your personal data and provides you with our contact details for any further questions or clarifications that you may have. Any reference to ‘you’ in this privacy notice refers to the user of this product.  

Who are we 

Any references to ‘we’ refers to: 

Entity name: 

My Intelligent Health Ltd 


5 Hillside Gardens 


HA3 9UW 

Phone number: 

+44 7581435325 


 Therefore, any personal data we collect from you may be accessible to our employees including healthcare professionals, members of the technical team that maintain and analyse performance of the website and other Selfily products, and other support staff that may need access to such data in order to for you to effectively use the website and other products.  

The types of data we collect and why 

a. Purpose I: Our digital products including this website ( are designed to help you monitor your long-term conditions such as diabetes, arthritis, asthma, epilepsy, high blood pressure and some mental health conditions. It is only an aid to make you self-reliant in managing your chronic condition without being a substitute for the appointments with your doctor. If you choose to use our digital products to monitor your condition, you will be required to answer specific questions pertaining to your existing health condition, without which we cannot held you monitor your health condition. Therefore, we believe you would expect us to store such personal data for us to prepare a record that helps you keep track of your health condition. 

b. Our digital products prompt questions similar to the questions that may be asked by a healthcare professional in a personal interaction with the aim of assessing a patient’s condition. Based on your answers, the algorithm developed by our healthcare professionals will recommend a course of action of you. Please remember the process involves profiling for this limited purpose of making recommendations to you. These are not decisions that you are required to accept, and as such have no effect on you. If you attempt to use our digital products for any other health condition, your personal data submitted, if any, will not be stored by us. 

c. Data: You submit to us personal data including your name, age, sex, postcode, weight, height, condition, and other specific answers related to your health condition. Such personalised information is stored for only a limited period of time. Subsequently, the information you submit is anonymised by de-linking it from your name, email address, and postcode, which are deleted. The remaining information may stored in the form of bar graphs, pie charts, and other modes of representing statistical data. 

d. Legal basis: Such personal data is collected only when you expressly submit it to us through your answers, and we rely on your consent, as well as our contract with you to help monitor your health condition to collect and store such data. The information you submit also helps us improve our prompts and suggestions to you, and to indicate with greater accuracy when you may need personal medical intervention. Therefore, we also rely on our legitimate interests, and reasons of public interest to high standards of quality and safety of health care to collect and store the data you submit. 

e. Purpose II: We aim to consistently improve your experience with our digital products, and our services require constant improvement by their very nature. We aim to keep our products safe and secure by detecting malware, and increasingly user-friendly. We may need to communicate with you (e.g. to send you reminders to update your information or collecting feedbacks etc). We may also need to comply with our legal obligations including a reasonable request from a competent authority involving any manner of processing of the information we collect. Your personal data will not be used for any automated decision-making or profiling. 

f. Data: For the website (, we may collect your email address, your IP address, the date and time of your visit to our website, browser information, browsing behaviour, geography, and other technical information. For the other Selfily mobile and web applications, we may collect all the information you provided to the application that will us fulfil the aforementioned purpose. 

g. Legal basis: We solicit your express consent through our cookie policy (please see below) attached to this privacy notice for most of the data we collect. We further rely on our legitimate interests to keep our digital products safe, perform our contract with you and enhance your experience, and comply with legal obligations, if any.  

How we store your data and keep it safe 

We prioritise security as we are conscious of the sensitive personal data you are likely to entrust us with. We deploy a number of technical and organisational measures to keep the digital products safe from malware attacks. Once the data is collected through our digital products (including website, mobile application and web applications), it is stored on the Microsoft’s Azure cloud. All our employees (and partners, if any) are under strict obligations of secrecy in accordance the existing data protection laws.  

How long do we keep your data  

Your personal data is stored only for the term of our contract with you i.e. as long as you choose to use our website to monitor your health condition. If you wish to receive a copy of your data, or for us to stop using our digital products for this purpose and to have your personal data deleted from our records, you may write to us at Beyond this period, we do not store any of the data we collect in a form that makes it possible for us to connect it with a specific individual. Such anonymised data may be retained for further statistical analysis. However, we will not be able to provide you with a copy of your data at this stage as individual-specific data is not available with us at this stage.  

Who else has access to your data? 

We do not share any of the healthcare related data you submit to us with anyone else. As explained earlier, ‘we’ includes our employees on a need-to-know basis. The remaining personal data gathered for the second purpose described above may be shared with any of our employees, or partners (if any), helping us with such purposes. However, they will be subject to obligations of secrecy prescribed under the General Data Protection Regulations and the Data Protection Act, 2018. 

 What are your rights? 

Under data protection law, you have rights, including: 

  • Right of Access - You have the right to obtain for copies of your personal data from us. 

  • Right to Rectification - You have the right to maintain accurate and complete information, and inform us of any errors in your records. 

  • Right to Erasure - You have the right to have your personal data erased from our records subject to the consequences of losing your medical record maintained with us. 

  • Right to Restriction of Processing – You have the right to restrict the processing of your personal data in certain circumstances. 

  • Right to Object to Processing – You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data in certain circumstances. 

  • Right to Data Portability – You have the right to request us for a transfer of your personal data to another organisation, or to you, in certain circumstances. 

You will not be required to pay any additional charges to exercise your rights reasonably. We aim to respond at the earliest possible. However, it may take us about thirty days’ time. 

Cookie policy 

[Insert link to cookie policy here]